Automatized Middleware Solution

Solid partnerships foster robust relationships


"Connector_data" offers customers and their external partners straightforward, seamless processes, and uncomplicated data exchange. Through no-code in the integration platform "Connector_data". While in software without no-code technology and even in low-code tools, professional programmers must encode APIs, with "Connector_data", non-IT staff also create the interfaces themselves. Through simple configuration without programming knowledge

Process & Models

Numerous frontend channels, numerous backend processes, and a plethora of individual data result in fragmentation even at the process level. Digital Process Automation (DPA) not only prevents errors, gaps, and media discontinuities but also connects processes and partners into a digital ecosystem.


Promising future regarding APIs and workflows. Many webshop systems and platforms have dedicated APIs that can be implemented with Lobster_data. Naturally, this includes REST, which is currently the most commonly used API variant. Using HTTPS as the protocol and JSON or XML as the data format.

For security reasons, APIs typically have an authorization or authentication process such as OAuth 2.0 in place. And here too, Lobster_data provides support. By the way, we have already integrated numerous highly successful e-commerce systems and webshops with extensive reach.

Software for Data Integration

With the middleware Connector_data, users can seamlessly communicate with everyone. With any format, channel, and system. To ensure successful exchange, the Template Library in Connector_data provides all common industry standards such as EDIFACT, VDA, ANSI X12, IDoc, XML, or JSON as standard. Additionally, the system offers numerous communication methods for sending or receiving data, from MongoDB to AS2, AS4, (S)FTP, HTTP, or Kafka, to MQTT.

Furthermore, in API management, the middleware brings many advantages. User-friendly creation, documentation, and publication of APIs. Rapid and scalable connection of internal and external systems such as e-commerce platforms (Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, etc.) or enterprise service buses (Amazon SQS, Azure SB, Oracle EBS, etc.) thanks to REST API capability. Availability of more than 14 different partner channels and optional connections to any relational, No-SQL, or JDBC-driven database.

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